The Sound and the Furry by Spencer Quinn
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at 9:24AM
TChris in Recent Release, Spencer Quinn, Thriller

Published by Atria Books on September 10, 2013

Chet continues his literal-minded (and dog-minded) commentary on life in The Sound and the Furry. Chet doesn’t like thunderstorms but he loves to ride in boats. He can’t understand why birds are so unfriendly. He doesn’t recommend grubs, edible though they are, but a roast beef sandwich is a tasty meal.

Ralph, the only member of the Boutette family who isn’t behind bars or on electronic monitoring, is missing. For reasons that Bernie understands better than Chet, Bernie agrees to find him. Chet knows it’s the right thing to do because Bernie always does the right thing. The new adventure takes Chet and Bernie to New Orleans, where they encounter a shrimp heist (Chet is fond of shrimp), an oil spill, and a family feud. The plot is more complex than some of the Chet and Bernie novels, meaning that much of what’s happening is going over Chet’s head. But, as Chet likes to remind us, he brings other things to the table. Figuring things out is Bernie’s game.

Of course, the plot of a Chet and Bernie is always secondary to Chet’s canine commentary. The breezy nature of the Chet and Bernie novels makes them easy to read. The bad guys are generally affable. Most of them even like Chet, so they can’t be all bad. This is nonetheless a more harrowing adventure than most for Chet. A couple of bad guys who aren’t dog-friendly give Chet a hard time, adding some tension to the story, as does an alligator. Fortunately, nothing can change Chet’s upbeat nature. Bernie is also part of the story, and he’s again getting himself into trouble with girlfriend Suzie for reasons that Chet (and sometimes Bernie) can’t understand, but Chet is the reason these novels are worth reading.


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